Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Dr. Dent's Cottage

Demolished House in Whitchurch-Stouffville, Ontario

Apr 02 2018

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Dr. Dent's Cottage - Pleasantville-Country-Cottage8.jpg
there was actually iodine in here that accidentally I poured onto the floor...sooo...wear a breather lol.
Dr. Dent's Cottage - Pleasantville-Country-Cottage3.jpg
colours are nice
Dr. Dent's Cottage - Pleasantville-Country-Cottage14.jpg
Expiration on the back was 1982.
Dr. Dent's Cottage - Pleasantville-Country-Cottage7.jpg
deets! fridge was installed in '64, so I'm betting that's when this place was built.


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