Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Dark Horse

Demolished House in Innisfil, Ontario

Sep 24 2018

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This is one of two open barns on the property. Lots of furniture just dumped out there. A shame really considering they could have been donated instead of letting them go to rot.
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The whole house was raining insulation.
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Stairway to 2nd level.
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The kitchen was so dark. Black cabinets, dark floor and dark burgundy walls. Perhaps they were not the day-walking kind?
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I counted 4 different layers of paint colours.
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This room gave me a slight case of the heebie-jeebies. I swear I could hear breathing, but I have convinced myself that it was just the wind.
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This was the last shot taken before my battery died.


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