Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Top Room

Demolished Commercial in Kitchener, Ontario

Jun 12 2020

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Top Room - 6122020121953IMG_7823.jpg
The silos. Inside is the only lift I've come across and it intrigues me much. Took a few months to power past some fears of heights to get up here but it was worth it. A few trips of photos from just this tiny area but it ABSOLUTELY deserves its own gallery.
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The view up. Cable runs all the way to the pulley at the top. Note the rails are made of wood.
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Inspection tag........
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The floor of the top room.
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The view part of the way. Maybe half.
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The very first picture I got a bit ago. SHAKING LIKE A LEAF! Ask Pikaswed420. I think she was there.
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It took going a few other places to high up areas and looking out on the city to get the courage to climb out of the lift (because it was head level when the lift hit the top) and get this next set. I was nervous but not nearly as much as every other time I had gone here.
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The roof of the top room.
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Bitchin' equipment. For pumping grain/flour/sugar or whatever in and out I would assume.
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Door on the far side leads out similar to the Woolwich silos.
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Lift top and the pulley. Its beautiful.
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Long view.
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Lift top close up. Its not totally clear, but I didnt bring my tripod.
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The counterweight at the bottom as the lift is at the top.


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