Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Draining on many occasions

Active Drain in Kitchener, Ontario

Jan 01 2020

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Draining on many occasions - IMG_3827.jpg
Concrete slope on edge of Outlet
Draining on many occasions - IMG_3833.jpg
The Outlet
Draining on many occasions - IMG_3835.jpg
View from inside Outlet.
Draining on many occasions - IMG_3855.jpg
It can......
Draining on many occasions - IMG_3857.jpg
.....Points further in.....
Draining on many occasions - IMG_3858.jpg
Rotted grate that I believe led nowhere. Just kind of up.
Draining on many occasions - IMG_3867.jpg
I try not to post grafitti unless its part of some scenery but I likey the turtles
Draining on many occasions - IMG_3905.jpg
Up or Down? No idea. hah
Draining on many occasions - IMG_3919.jpg
First? Junction.
Draining on many occasions - IMG_3920.jpg
Draining on many occasions - IMG_3925.jpg
Water Draining with some ''Rustcicles'' on top. Those kind of half melt half stay solid when you get them on you and smell like HARRRRDCORRRE Iron Oxide and other stuff. ick.
Draining on many occasions - IMG_3978.jpg
2nd Junction.
Draining on many occasions - IMG_3981.jpg
2nd Junction looking back.
Draining on many occasions - IMG_3985.jpg
Different angle.
Draining on many occasions - IMG_3988.jpg
Mind the water will ya.


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