Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Mid March 20'

Demolished House in Cambridge, Ontario

Mar 08 2020

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Mid March 20' - IMG_5389.jpg
Woulda been baaaaaad.
Mid March 20' - IMG_5393.jpg
Theres a few pictures of the scene on the right. Not sure if its fire but i think it may be.
Mid March 20' - IMG_5394.jpg
Note the ice on the wall.
Mid March 20' - IMG_5396.jpg
The living room or dining room on the main floor.
Mid March 20' - IMG_5402.jpg
Closets. So much black mold.
Mid March 20' - IMG_5404.jpg
Work bench on the main floor at the back of the house. HVAC stuffs were in the room to the right.
Mid March 20' - IMG_5406.jpg
Just outside the main floor kitchen as it were.
Mid March 20' - IMG_5407.jpg
Up the stairs to the 2nd level.
Mid March 20' - IMG_5412.jpg
The attic was real soft from what I could tell.
Mid March 20' - IMG_5413.jpg
That door was the attic ''Hatch''. Such an awkward angle tho.
Mid March 20' - IMG_5416.jpg
These carpeted stairs (and attic?) made the attic feel softer than it really was. Although I have no doubt it is rotted.
Mid March 20' - IMG_5420.jpg
Many places peeling paint, and lots of it.
Mid March 20' - IMG_5423.jpg
Peeling. Only one layer tho from the looks.
Mid March 20' - IMG_5424.jpg
The only bathroom if I remember rightly.
Mid March 20' - IMG_5425.jpg
Only makes sense it be painted as it is.


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