Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Both houses

Demolished House in Gatineau, Quebec

May 23 2016

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Both houses  - IMG_20160508_132400691_HDR.jpg
View from the road
Both houses  - IMG_20160508_131622257.jpg
Inaccessible house
Both houses  - IMG_20160508_132236445_HDR.jpg
Sagging support
Both houses  - IMG_20160508_131424768.jpg
Second house as seen from the street
Both houses  - IMG_20160508_132203954.jpg
No switch here
Both houses  - IMG_20160508_132138213.jpg
Some kiddy destruction
Both houses  - IMG_20160508_132102661.jpg
Looks like the house has been scavenged for the recycling
Both houses  - IMG_20160508_131956740.jpg
I didn't want to ruin my pretty work shoes, so the basement will have to wait till I wear boots for exploring.
Both houses  - IMG_20160508_131850781.jpg
This is inside the garage
Both houses  - IMG_20160508_131509372.jpg
Watch your step outside


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