Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Crispy Halloween

Demolished Motel/Hotel in Cambridge, Ontario

Nov 02 2020

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Crispy Halloween - IMG_6686 scaled down.jpg
This out of order mess before the hotel is the charred remains of the fire and police presence in the area (RIGHT ACROSS FROM) of the hotel. Burned Halloween. 2:44 Theeasykaybreezy noticed it driving in his car. I passed by about 2 hours later and shot it the next day. Rear wheelwells.
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Thru the frame of the driver seat.
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The cockpit.
Crispy Halloween - IMG_6685 scaled down.jpg
Looking at the back door.
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It used to be a .........
Crispy Halloween - IMG_6678 scaled down.jpg
Driver side.
Crispy Halloween - IMG_6698 scaled down.jpg
Artistic shot. But its true. Shouldnt put gasolina in...
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Stairs on the main floor. AWFUL THINGS. I never fell thru but I imagine ya would.
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Crispy Halloween - IMG_6563 scaled down.jpg
Another view.
Crispy Halloween - IMG_6564 scaled down.jpg
Main lobby thru that door in the distance.
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Distant view of the last picture. Front of the hotel behind.
Crispy Halloween - IMG_6567 scaled down.jpg
To the basement on the left. Main room thru the door on the left.
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Only one way I ever went to get here, and it ALWAYS involved passing this door and walking around this room.
Crispy Halloween - IMG_6578 scaled down.jpg
Power box(es). M-T. Gutted. Nadda.


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