Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Light Paintings Vol X

Demolished House in Cambridge, Ontario

Apr 20 2021

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CREATED 4/20. I think this is when I noticed the old photos. I may have set up the shot for the fireplace there. And I ABSOLUTLEY remembering SMASHING my face off the built in shelf just to the left of the fireplace. Then I realized Im bleeding, so I made moar light paintings.

Light Paintings Vol X - IMG_1462.JPG
I really LOVE giving fireplaces "life" again.
Light Paintings Vol X - IMG_1463.JPG
I had ideas of the shadows with the lack of flooring on the second floor and the horizontals, but I did this instead. Far from purrfect. But purrfect from afar.
Light Paintings Vol X - IMG_1468.JPG
These 2 are using the television in the living room.
Light Paintings Vol X - IMG_1466.JPG


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