Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Theres A Hole In The Ground

Demolished House in Kitchener, Ontario

May 10 2021

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Theres A Hole In The Ground - IMG_1894.JPG
This be the first time I shot it since the fencing. I tried to see an opening and never got the chance again. Only the once.
Theres A Hole In The Ground - IMG_1896.JPG
Other view. The worker was a cool guy. Good sense of humor. I told him I fell thru the floor. IDK if he really believed me. Ahahaha.
Theres A Hole In The Ground - IMG_1936.JPG
And as for the name of the album. Theres a hole in the ground. This is 2 days later than the last 2 pictures.


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