Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Panic Manic in Shanick

Unknown Ghost Town in Marmora And Lake, Ontario

Jun 30 2010

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Panic Manic in Shanick - Shanick-(ghost-town-murder)1.jpg
Map of Shanick, Shaw and Cordova.
Panic Manic in Shanick - Shanick-(ghost-town-murder)2.jpg
1st derelict structure on the south end of Shanick is an old truck.
Panic Manic in Shanick - Shanick-(ghost-town-murder)9.jpg
Downtown Shanick. This home was once the school.
Panic Manic in Shanick - Shanick-(ghost-town-murder)10.jpg
Shanick shoe tree.
Panic Manic in Shanick - Shanick-(ghost-town-murder)13.jpg
This place is a real eye sore off the road back on a hill meadow, but venture inside with me if u dare.


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