Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Down in the Hollow

Unknown Ghost Town in Port Hope, Ontario

Jun 30 2010

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Down in the Hollow - Decker-Hollow-(ghost-town)2.jpg
Old fence near the creek.
Down in the Hollow - Decker-Hollow-(ghost-town)3.jpg
Field where part of the village was. The mill was NE of here a ways.
Down in the Hollow - Decker-Hollow-(ghost-town)4.jpg
Looking into Decker Hollow with the Ganaraska Forest hills in the distance (aka the Oak Ridges Moraine). By the turn of the 1900's the settlers had wiped out the moraine and the hills were barren. The Ganaraska Forest was planted in 1947 and revitalized the area's flora and fauna.
Down in the Hollow - Decker-Hollow-(ghost-town)1.jpg
Population 7- A fun sign erected on Decker Hollow farm. Its nice to see they used the blue to match the entry of all Ontario communities.


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