Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

228 Old Mill Road - The Former Grow House - Greenhouses and Collapsing Barn

Demolished Farm/Cottage, House in Cambridge, Ontario

Dec 17 2021

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I walk past security (before this house (not in this album) ) I had no idea that there was security on this site, but I half expected it. He waved at me, and I smiled and waved back. As I passed the greenhouses there was a man there, seemed to be picking up metal. I was quite confused at this point, as was this man that was picking up, whatever he was picking up. I figured a squatter TBH, but its not the greatest spot. SO I carried on and then once I had a chance, I doublebacked back at the barn with trees obscuring me from security. I made it to the barn. It was half collapsed. The greenhouses when I got there were also in rough shape, and a portion of them was AWOL. I shot the BARN, HOUSE, GREENHOUSES, in that order.

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The greenhouse(s).
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Inside. Damn bro. Dead plants. But there was more. There is no way, I can see this as being a legit operation. But for sure larger scale.
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Toppled planters.
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So many. Like damn...
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"Hey man. I think I found your former [illegal] grow op..."
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Ventilation fan, and a overdried plant or dead. IDK.
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Into the next section that looked like there was a squatter.
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Rows of started and abandoned plants.
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Looking twords the construction site. The "driveway" that is dirt leads to the toppled wood pictured coming up. It looks like a dump site TBH.
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Back where I came from.
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Colapsed .....I dont even know. This part of this location is a absolute mess.
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A small room on the right side of the door to the rudimentary driveway.
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I have no idea...
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Back into the greenhouse ''underground'' as it were. There was a beer there. It made me wonder if the security man was drinking on the job.


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