Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Seems The World Went CRAZY, Not CAMPING

Demolished Commercial in Kitchener, Ontario

Dec 18 2021

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I errrrr, shot the whole place with the wrong WB settings, and only learned as I was wrapping up. I edited a few as best as I was able and think I reshot the rest prettywell. I always have wondered what that person was doing out front here with the animal food…..

Seems The World Went CRAZY, Not CAMPING - IMG_9111.JPG
Seems The World Went CRAZY, Not CAMPING - IMG_9110.JPG
Exterior #2.
Seems The World Went CRAZY, Not CAMPING - IMG_9112.JPG
Seems The World Went CRAZY, Not CAMPING - IMG_9109.JPG
Seems The World Went CRAZY, Not CAMPING - IMG_9108.JPG
Exterior #5.
Seems The World Went CRAZY, Not CAMPING - IMG_9089.JPG
Seems The World Went CRAZY, Not CAMPING - IMG_9097.JPG
Front doors to the customer area.
Seems The World Went CRAZY, Not CAMPING - IMG_9091.JPG
I shot some signs, backwards.
Seems The World Went CRAZY, Not CAMPING - IMG_9090.JPG
The last one they put up.
Seems The World Went CRAZY, Not CAMPING - IMG_9105.JPG
On the floor inside.
Seems The World Went CRAZY, Not CAMPING - IMG_9044.JPG
There is an office behind this desk.
Seems The World Went CRAZY, Not CAMPING - IMG_9045.JPG
To the service area, that is not in service.
Seems The World Went CRAZY, Not CAMPING - IMG_9094.JPG
On the front area wall.
Seems The World Went CRAZY, Not CAMPING - IMG_9046.JPG
Small storage area/display area beside the office behind the desk.
Seems The World Went CRAZY, Not CAMPING - IMG_9047.JPG
Into the office.


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