Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

July 2020 Visit

Being Demolished Educational in Ottawa, Ontario

Oct 15 2022

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Front steps
How many students came and went many years ago.
Boarded, broken door
Internal view
The dirty chair
Dusty blue chair with feeling paint and dark red stains sits facing the wall in a dark room with an equally dirty carpet.
Hallway to Home ec
Home ec room a the back of the hall, with the door to Library/Arts opening up to the piano against the wall.
Evidence of life
Cigarette buts and burnt matches signify the home ec room has had some visitors.
Main classroom
This classroom has been left to the forces of nature during its abandonment. Moss grows on the carpet and from the walls.
Main classroom
A worrying bulge in the ceiling indicating it may face the same fate of the collapsed shingles on the opposite end of the room.
A view from the main classroom outside a smashed window.
It looks out onto the field and playground.
Going down
The first look into the basement
Blue basement
Facing the exit
Natural light
The only means for us to see in the dark of the basement
A lonely yellow chair.
Decorated with some writing on the wall in matching colours, and drywall.


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