12 years ago
Woolwich, Ontario
Woolwich, Ontario
Woolwich, Ontario
Woolwich, Ontario
Woolwich, Ontario
Went to check out this place on 2 occasions. Once on the 1st of January, and again on the 4th of January. We checked out the barn both times, but didn't go down to the lower level as the main way to go up and down was covered in ice. The small house beside it we didn't go into the first time as we could very clearly hear a large animal walking around inside on the upper level. The second time, we went inside the house but didn't get to the basement or upper level because the animal was still there. These photos are a mix of both my shots from 01/01/2024 and 01/04/2024. All interior shots of the house beside the barn are from 01/04/2024.
I type a lot so feel free to open each image to see the full-res shot as well as my little writeup for each image.
All photos were shot on:
Canon EOS R10 w/ Godox TT685II-C flash