Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Nighttime Visit In The Snow

Demolished House in Kitchener, Ontario

Jan 04 2024

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Went to check out this place on 2 occasions. Once on the 1st of January, and again on the 4th of January. We checked out the barn both times, but didn't go down to the lower level as the main way to go up and down was covered in ice. The small house beside it we didn't go into the first time as we could very clearly hear a large animal walking around inside on the upper level. The second time, we went inside the house but didn't get to the basement or upper level because the animal was still there. These photos are a mix of both my shots from 01/01/2024 and 01/04/2024. All interior shots of the house beside the barn are from 01/04/2024.

I type a lot so feel free to open each image to see the full-res shot as well as my little writeup for each image.

All photos were shot on:
Canon EOS R10 w/ Godox TT685II-C flash

A wide shot of the barn (1)
Found it really cool that there was both a boat and a truck just left in here. Most barns I've seen like this hardly have anything in them. Makes for cool wide shots!
A wide shot of the barn (2)
More focused on the truck in this shot. All the missing boards in the wall, the graffiti, I love all of it.
Side shot closeup of the truck
Really loved this truck. Not much else to say about it, just a picture of the side of the truck.
The other side of the truck
The passenger door on the truck could actually open, whereas the driver side door was totally mashed shut. Lots of boards and planks on this side of the truck, some being from the wall beside it I'm sure, as there was many holes and missing boards in the walls of the barn.
Interior of the truck
Unsurprisingly, the entire interior was basically gutted. Including the seats.
Engine of the truck
Even though the entire interior was gutted, the engine was still there! I suppose I'm not entirely surprised, I don't know who's going to casually 'remove' and 'take away' an engine... especially without raising suspicion.
A shot from the front of the boat
Featuring 2 of my urbex buddies. To the immediate right of the boat is a small little room where it looks like the kids like to hang out at. Little smoking room by the looks of it. When we went, there was a Timbits box that looked somewhat fresh (no more than like a week old), but was empty.
A shot of the back of the boat
Boating team 'Hot Knox' from Ayr Ontario. I tried to see if I could find any existence or modern presence of this 'team', but couldn't find anything.
The entrance to the silo(?)
This used to be open as far as I'm aware. Old street view photos of the building show it as accessible. Somewhat recently, someone put a board that blocks access to the silo except from the inside of the barn. Not sure why, since the barn is just as easily accessible. Someone is also painting over the graffiti on the outside of the silo as of Q4 2023 / Q1 2024.
A wide shot of the empty portion of the barn
Some real tasteful graffiti, lots of garbage and what have you, and where I BELIEVE a staircase used to exist (at the far end, where the big grey beam goes down)
A shot of the only way downstairs in the barn
This whole 'area' here is the best / only way to the lower level of the barn (which is totally filled with random crap, mostly garbage, but there is like a couch and some other things down there). As you can see, the floor is totally caving in there, and some of it is straight up missing. I believe the area where there is no floor once stood some form of staircaase or something, but at the time, the beams we would have to use to climb back up (or even down) had ice on them, so that was not a good option for us.
Accidental photo I took while adjusting my flash
Was trying to adjust some settings on my flash when I accidentally took a picture. Thought it looked a little cool so I adjusted the exposure just a little bit so you can see just a little bit and the light coming from my friend's flashlight, without seeing him specifically. I also adjusted the temperature of the picture to be all blue, which I've always loved since seeing Saw (2004).
A shot of the entrance to the side house
Unfortunately could not go upstairs, as something (we believe it was a coyote due to the paw prints in the snow) upstairs that we didn't want to disturb, and we heard other people when I was about to check out the basement, so we didn't get to go there either. Maybe next trip. Also nice to notice that the staircase going up looks like it's barely connected / holding on to anything.
A shot of the kitchen and bathroom (just to the right of the staircases)
Missing a wall, the kitchen is entirely destroyed, with stuff thrown everywhere. Some of the cabinetry doesn't even look very old or 'worn', so I'm not sure if when this was abandoned it was mid-renovation? Or something else.
A broken fireplace and vacuum
This is just to the immediate left of the main entryway into the side house.


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