Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Little Bungalow On Kingston (February 2024)

Abandoned House in Pickering, Ontario

Feb 02 2024

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Drove past this yesterday and saw the front door open after thinking this house was a lost cause. This place seems a lot more active with vandals and squatters since it was last added to the site. Also, is it just me or are there NO bedrooms in here?

Little Bungalow On Kingston (February 2024) - 2014-02-01 007.JPG
Tons of graffiti.
Little Bungalow On Kingston (February 2024) - 2014-02-01 010.JPG
There was a lot of junk left around this house. Not sure if it's from the previous owners or people squatting.
Little Bungalow On Kingston (February 2024) - 2014-02-01 008.JPG
Shed peeking out over the grass. Gonna add pictures of it when I pass by next.
Little Bungalow On Kingston (February 2024) - 2014-02-01 011.JPG
To the basement.
Little Bungalow On Kingston (February 2024) - 2014-02-01 012.JPG
Can't even see the floor in the garage.
Little Bungalow On Kingston (February 2024) - 2014-02-01 015.JPG
Really love this interior!
Little Bungalow On Kingston (February 2024) - 2014-02-01 016.JPG
Facing the backyard.
Little Bungalow On Kingston (February 2024) - 2014-02-01 022.JPG
This bathroom has seen better days, probably the most vandalized part of the whole house..
Little Bungalow On Kingston (February 2024) - 2014-02-01 023.JPG
In the basement, facing the basement door.


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