5 years ago
Woolwich, Ontario
Woolwich, Ontario
Woolwich, Ontario
Woolwich, Ontario
Woolwich, Ontario
The foundational remains of some of the buildings of the former Devil's Glen quarry site. There are mostly two distinctive structures left, one being a rectangle and the other being a small squarish room off to the side.
According to a website, it was a limestone quarry in operation from the late 1800s to early 1900s. It also includes "10.4 m of Middle Silurian Guelph Formation dolostone, grey to light brown medium crystalline , sucrosic ,sparsely fossiliferrous with rare bivalves and corals", according to the website.
A few minor risks for this place. First of all is obviously the plants, although they are not much of an issue at all, considering it is August when the plants are often most prosperous. There is evidence of a small homeless camp here, as is evident from the blankets and small fire pit. It does not seem to be active as the blankets are all covered in spider webs. I think this place is fine to enter, as only the old quarry grounds just West of the buildings is marked with no trespassing signs. It is a relatively busy trail, especially on the sunny day that I went, but I still doubt anyone would care.