Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Quaint House 2

Demolished House in Norfolk County, Ontario

Jul 07 2013

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Quaint House 2 - Nightingale-Farm-House-147.jpg
The side entrance (just off the kitchen)
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The family room. Note the birds' nest on the ceiling fan!
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Closer look at the birds' nest. You know, if you were to turn the fan on, you would hear, "Turn!, Turn!, Turn!" by The Byrds! (Yeah.. lame joke I know!)
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I am sure this was a nice light fitting in its day.
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Looking upstairs. Be careful going up here. Some of the stairs are rather weak.
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I believe this is a guest room. It's a shame to see a once amazing farmhouse turn into this.
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The Attic. I did not venture in here as it did not look safe.


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