Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Still Intact June '23



Still Intact June '23 - DSC_0016.jpg
Photo of Still Intact June '23 taken by NXKN has 207 view(s)


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1 year ago

The McGregor Clan Sovereign Maroon Tribe operating in the public as the McGregor Clan Sovereign Maroon Trust Fund Inc. have taken steps to acquire through the acquisition of abandoned property, the property located at 8414 Credit View Road, Ontario. It has been over 60+ days the property has been listed as abandoned and the McGregor Clan LAWFUL Department has invested and taken steps to allocate the lawful owners by ascertaining a copy of the deed of title . The property was visited on multiple occasion as recorded evidence can prove and steps taken to find the name owner as recorded on the title deed. All steps seemed futile and only learnt through paid private investigators that it was being occupied by a corporation that is now non compliant. The owner of that corporation is also unreachable to gather knowledge of the owners where about. Notice to owners who did not have a treaty policy in place to secure the property from not being considered abandoned. The McGregor Clan Sovereign Maroon Tribe operating in the public as the McGregor Clan Sovereign Maroon Trust Fund Inc. is now Claiming the property in the now time as a Sovereign and Native land founded and now occupied by the :McGregor Clan:Sovereign Maroon Tribe in care of High Chief :Andrew McGregor: Documents have been submitted and the process have begun to have the same property recorded as such by law. Notice to the public 8414 Credit View Road is now considered private property occupied by the McGregor Clan Sovereign Maroon Tribe. Kindly Note that there should be NO TRESSPASSING OF THE PROPERTY. The :McGregor Clan: Sovereign Maroon High Chief :Andrew McGregor: reserve the right to charge a fine to anyone who is caught trespassing or tries to pervert the course occupying. https://scottishmaroons.ca/ https://scottishmaroons.ca/maroons-in-canada https://scottishmaroons.ca/mcgregor-clan-lawful-dep-1 https://scottishmaroons.ca/clan-high-chief Telephone :( 647)917-0321 Scottishmaroons@gmail.com


1 year ago

Ain't tryna look at alldat