Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Still here!


frostythesadman 0

Still here! - IMG_9467.jpeg
Photo of Still here! taken by frostythesadman has 423 view(s)


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1 year ago

Notice to the public. This is a : McGregor Clan: Sovereign Maroon Tribe Announcement. The : McGregor Clan: Sovereign Maroon Trust Fund Inc. C/O. High Chief :Andrew McGregor: is making all De Facto Government Corporations and all their agents, Citizens, Private Corporations, Police department, Fire Department, Notary Republic, the local Judiciary(probate Department), Governor General, Prime Ministers, CRA, Service Ontario, Department of Foreign Affairs Trading & Development, King Charles III, International Courts of Justice, United Nations and fellow natives of the land Kanata( Canada). Kindly note that the :McGregor Clan: Sovereign Maroon Trust Fund Inc C/O :Andrew McGregor: is Registered under the Corporation :McGregor Clan: Sovereign Maroon Tribe and is now the rightful and lawful owner of the 16.2 acres land and property located at 20489 Hurontario Street, Caledon L7K 1X6 Canada. N.B! The :McGregor Clan: Clan Sovereign Maroon Trust Fund Inc. C/O :Andrew McGregor: is also making it a public notice that we have a $10,000,000.00 Lien on the owner and Estate property located at 20489 Hurontario Street, Caledon L7K 1X6 Canada. The Lien certificate is available to be viewed on the Scottishmaroons.ca website and blog page, Instagram, Linkden, Twitter(currently X), Kijiji and youtube. Anyone from the public claiming ownership of this property from this date and time: August 15, 2023 at 12 AM, must pay the sum of $10,000,000.00 USD or any currency of the : McGregor Clan: Sovereign Maroon Tribe High Chief :Andrew McGregor: chosing to settle administration fees. Note well! The Canada Revenue Agency and the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada have Signed and Stamp acting as witnesses that the :McGregor Clan: Sovereign Maroon Tribe trading in the public as the :McGregor Clan: Sovereign Maroon Trust Fund Inc.c/o :Andrew McGregor are now the lawful owners of the said mentioned property located at 20489 Hurontario Street, Caledon L7K 1X6 Canada. The McGregor Clan Sovereign Maroon High Chief :Andrew McGregor: can be contacted at scottishmaroons@gmail.com Telephone : (647) 917-0321


1 year ago



1 year ago

We acquired the acquisition of this abandoned property located along Hurontario Street, Ontario. It has been months advertising to allocate the alleged owners and knowone has come forward to acknowledge being the lawful owners, neither has there been a treaty policy in place to secure the property from not being considered abandoned. The McGregor Clan Sovereign Maroon Tribe is now Claiming the property in the now time as a Sovereign and Native land founded and now occupied by the :McGregor Clan:Sovereign Maroon Tribe in care of High Chief :Andrew McGregor: Documents have been submitted and the process have begun to have the same property recorded as such by law. Notice to the public! 20489 Hurontario Street. Caledon is now considered private property occupied by the McGregor Clan Sovereign Maroon Tribe. Kindly Note that there should be NO TRESSPASSING OF THE PROPERTY. The :McGregor Clan: Sovereign Maroon High Chief :Andrew McGregor: reserve the right to charge a fine to anyone who is caught trespassing or tries to pervert the course occupying. https://scottishmaroons.ca/ https://scottishmaroons.ca/maroons-in-canada https://scottishmaroons.ca/mcgregor-clan-lawful-dep-1 https://scottishmaroons.ca/clan-high-chief Telephone :( 647)917-0321 Scottishmaroons@gmail.com


1 year ago

Fair! Thanks for the info!


1 year ago

Nah bro is on something