One of the strangest finds. On the first floor, near the back staircase (the only that only leads to the 2nd floor and does not go all the way up to the roof), there is what appears to be some sort of locker room / bathroom that smelled absolutely horrible. We found out why! In that room to the left, is 2 motorcycles. One of them is mostly all there (albeit entirely burnt up), the other one is missing the back wheel and I think a bunch more. The walls in that room are black all the way up to the ceiling and it is evident there was a large fire in there. Since it is such a small room, and the fact that they're motorcycles, this clearly was not done by a squatter to keep warm. Makes me wonder if they were stolen or what other reason there is to have tried to burn them in an abandoned building and left there.
Photo of Nighttime Visit With A Strange Surprise taken by
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