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Terlingua Ghost Town

Abandoned Ghost Town in Alpine, Texas, United States

Jan 20 2022

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Recent status Abandoned
Location # 18265

Terlingua is an abandoned former mercury mining district located in Brewster County, Texas. Terlingua which is a Spanish word meaning “three tongues” was established in the 1880s. 

History of Terlingua

Terlingua produced its first mercury in 1888 and a serious mining process kicked off two years later. In the beginning, Terlingua had only four mining companies operating in the area. Starting at a slow pace, Terlingua rose to popularity by the 1900s opening the way for more mining companies. A post office was soon opened in the area and the population grew to a rocking 3000 people. By December of 1903, Terlingua was the mining center of the region.

Prosperity of Terlingua

Terlingua continued to prosper under the management of Howard Perry who was the founder of Chisos mine. Perry owned most of the mines in the region and for this reason, he felt the need to make sure Terlingua and all its mines prospered. He built Perry school, a church for his miners, and offered free dwellings for the miners who worked for him. This gained him popularity in the region making him the most revered individual in the region. Under the management of Perry who was not in Terlingua physically, (managed from his Chicago office) the town made serious advancements and by 1939 it had a hotel, Chisos Theater, an ice-making plant, a doctor, mail, and telephone services. One would call it the” land of Perry”.

Decline of Terlingua

The death of Terlingua town began when Perry was forced to pay 75,000 US dollars in compensation to a nearby mine. Chisos mine workers purportedly extended some few feet into Rainbow mine during a mining expedition. Almost at the same time, Chisos mine was declared unsafe for miners working in it with reports stating that it was extremely hot. Chisos mine was declared exhausted shortly afterward. Despite facing financial troubles with its mines, Perry continued to acquire mines all over the state and beyond. This got too much even for him and by 1942, he was declared bankrupt forcing the closure of all his mines in Terlingua. Residents after being rendered jobless had no other choice but to seek alternatives elsewhere. Terlingua was left deserted by 1950.

Hazards at Terlingua

Terlingua has a high concentration of mercury waste produced during the mining days. These wastes are highly toxic when consumed or when it comes into contact with sensitive parts of the body such as the eyes.

What is the current situation of Terlingua?

Terlingua was deserted by most of its residents and by the 2020 census, only 100 people resided in the town. Most of its adobe buildings have collapsed over time but the stucco buildings like Perry School and Perry's Mansion still stand dilapidated.

Can I visit Terlingua town?

Terlingua town is open to the public for tours, camping, nature, and trail walks amongst others. It is a good spot to go during the winter. Just don’t go alone. It is advisable to explore the area with a group of friends.

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