Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

San Marcial

Abandoned Ghost Town in Socorro, New Mexico, United States

Jan 21 2022

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Recent status Abandoned
Location # 18280

Hazards of San Marcial

San Marcial is right at the shore of the unstable river the Rio Grande. This is unsafe for it can overflow anytime when it rains. visiting san Marcial requires prior planning with emergency evacuation plans just in case it rains while you are there.

History of San Marcial

San Marcial began when a man, Pascual Joyla purchased land on the east side of the Rio Grande RiverRiver where he built his home. Pascual started a small business selling firewood and farm produce to the neighboring regions. This gesture attracted many and a community was established around the region. The town would later be called san Marcial in honor of a Frenchman, Saint Martial of Limoges. The town grew, attaining a population of more than 1200. More irrigation schemes were created along the Rio Grande River which improved the farm produce drastically.

San Marcial is a ghost town established in the 1850s in Socorro County, New Mexico. The town which was home to more than 1200 people was completely deserted by 1930 when floods and fire became rampant in the town.

Rough days at San Marcial

With time as San Marcial grew, it was faced with various life-threatening mother nature. In 1866, approximately 16 years after it was established, floods hit the town so hard they had to relocate the town to the other side of the river Rio Grande. The community rebuilt San Marcial on the other side of the river which was a little bit higher but this was not the last. A fire outbreak in the town in 1881 destroyed a chunk of property in the town. The community refused to give up and with determination rebuilt from the salvageable from the fire. new irrigations were established and the population grew even further making San Marcial the second largest town in Socorro county. A railroad in the late 1880s passed through the area and a post office was opened soon afterward. The duo raised the population of the town to about 1400 people by 1929.

The fall of San Marcial

The instability of the river Rio Grande prompted the government to issue a relocation order to the community at San Marcial. This never came effective until July of 1929 when massive floods hit the small town destroying it without repair. The floods which hit at night found the residents unaware forcing them to flee for their lives. Houses were destroyed rendering families homeless. After the floods, diehards’ residents tried to rebuild the town but this was again shut down by another flood just a few months from July of 1929. The town was completely deserted by 1930.

What is the current situation of the town of San Marcial?

Structures in the town were completely swept away by food but one can still see one or two which still stands though in a dilapidated state. The cemetery is the only evidence that the region was once a town. In some sections of the region, you can still see remnants of the railroad. Tours are offered at san martial but camping at the place is still not permitted.

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