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Vulture City Ghost Town

Abandoned Ghost Town in Buckeye, Arizona, United States

Jan 25 2022

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Recent status Abandoned
Location # 18294

Vulture City is a deserted town in the Sonoran Desert Maricopa County, Arizona. The town is a former mine site established in 1863 during the gold rush. Several decades after it was deserted, the town lies in ruined with no hope to life

The rise of Vulture City

Henry Wickenburg discovered the Vulture mine in 1863 when he came across deposits containing gold and silver. Within months news of the vulture, mine reached far and wide and within no time a small town of Vulture City was established. By 1880, Vulture town had a population exceeding 4000. A town's post office was opened and the founder of the town Mr. Wickenburg was appointed as the postmaster.

Several business premises such as brothels, hotels, barber shops were established making Vulture City one of the well-established mining towns in the region. An entrepreneur by the name of Jack Swilling used this opportunity to set up an irrigation scheme at Phoenix valley and would take farm produce back in the town to sell. With farm produce readily available, the town further got a breakthrough when the railroad reached Vulture City via Phoenix valley. Swilling used the train to transport his farm produce to the town.

Last days of Vulture City

During World War II, an order to close all mines from processing minerals was issued as resources were all to be directed to the war. Vulture city was unlucky and closed in 1942. Residents fled the town thereafter leaving only a quarter of the population after the war. The deposits were later sold to Benjamin Phelps after the War, Benjamin established Vulture Mining Company with help from investors in a bid to continue with the mineral exploitation at Vulture City. He managed to bring back vulture mines up and running but not as robust as before. He was compelled to close the mine up permanently for it had no profits. The diehard residents who were still residing at the town were forced to relocate to nearby mining towns that were still up and running. The violence which was rampant at the town accelerated its abandonment as most non-violent residents felt unsafe residing in a chaotic town with no peace and order.

What is the current situation of vulture city?

Vulture City is currently under restoration with the owner having completed more than 10 buildings on the property. The owner, who is not known, has plans of fully restoring the Vulture City and turning it into a privately owned historical museum for people of Arizona to enjoy as they learn about their history. Trespassing is not allowed as it is private property but one can book a walking tour offered by the owner.

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