I'm assuming this site is in a transition period. I've been using it for about a year and did not notice the account feature until around a week ago. I'm trying to get my photos and locations up in hopes of leveling up (as well as joining and participating in this community :D). Thing is, the verification system seems to be broken. I get an invalid domain error. I notice that the domain has changed from abandonedontairo.com to ominous.app. I'm assuming this is the issue, but maybe it's a client side problem? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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yes big over sight on my part. i aim to launch things as smooth as possible but in this case, i slipped. our AWS SES was in a sandbox and took a few days for us to get the new domain approved to start sending emails again.
interesting. i suppose i did a poor job marketing the accounts. thank you for the insight.
1 year ago
WOAH, okay so problem solved I guess. Right after I posted this I tried again and it worked!! Off to collecting and posting. Hopefully you all like my pics, see you on elections in a few months! :)