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Member Since: January 5 2025

Member Since: January 5 2025

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gc1517@gmail.com  •  1 month ago

I wonder if someone here could help me out. Starting around 1971, my family started vacationing in the Muskoka area at a resort on a lake. The resort had an ornate 'mess hall' right on the lake. The mess hall had floor to ceiling windows facing the water, and the dining area was probably about 75 feet long, but less than 100 feet. There were cabins up the hill, further away from the water. Probably a 40 foot elevation from the mess hall. These cabins had about 4 rooms on each side of the hallway, which opened at each end. The only landmark I can think of to help me locate this resort is the look-out tower we would hike to. At 5 or 6 years old, I was part of a 'day school' group, led by young people, and we would trek up to the look-out tower, up a small mountain, which was about a 30 minute hike. The day school leaders would make us all a lunch, and we would eat it at the top of the tower. I remember the tower being on barren rock. The tower looked exactly like 'Ranger Gord's Fire Tower.' I've been looking at Muskoka look-out towers on Google, and 'Ranger Gord's' tower is the only one that looks like what I remember. I have been trying to figure out how to find this resort for several years now. Because of these family vacations, this has a lot of nostalgia for me. These were precious memories for me. In the '70s, our family was part of Oakwood Bible Chapel in Windsor, Ontario, and this vacation was something many families in the church did every year. I probably vacationed there with my family about five times. I just wish I could see it again. It wouldn't surprise me if the mess hall was demolished, but I hope not. I'd like to see pictures again. Also, regarding the lake, there were many small islands close to the resort. While boating away from the resort, it would be easy to get lost, not being able to tell the difference between an island and the mainland. When I was 6, my dad and I set off from the resort, because I could see people on the other side of the lake, and I wanted to go there. So my dad taught me how to sail on the way there. When we got to the other shore, we beached, and found out it was a youth camp. We walked around and talked to people, and my dad bought me a chocolate bar at the tuck shop. Then we launched the boat back into the lake, and my dad laid down in the bottom of the 9' sailboat, and said, "Wake me up when we get home." I sailed us back to the resort on my own, and told my dad he had to dock the boat. Tacking across the lake was fun. The distance to the other side was probably between 2,000' and 2,500' If anyone can help me locate this resort, I would really appreciate it. Thank you.

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