Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Long Branch Motel - 04/08/2016

Abandoned Motel/Hotel in Parry Sound, Unorganized, Centre Part, Ontario

Sep 15 2016

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Long Branch Motel - 04/08/2016 - Motel-Longbranch315.jpg
Not looking too good after a decade.
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I was intensely surprised to find the LoveBot here. I was under the impression it was more-or-less a Toronto-only thing?
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Cool-looking streetlight, standing guard over nothing in particular.
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Love these windows on the restaurant building.
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The central corridor in the "motel" portion isn't in very good shape, with most of the floor having collapsed into what looks like a utility crawlspace.
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Perspective shot along the west side of the motel.
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Random suitcase filled with standing water. Wonder how long it's been there?
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More LoveBot graffiti. I found two stickers and this signature while I wandered around.
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A lot of the old hotel furniture is still around, and in decent shape (certainly better than the building).
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Smashed windows and busted blinds.
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I guess it really is important to have all your ducks in a row.
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This room was in worse shape than most of the others, with plant growth having started to take over. Most of the floor had become a carpet of moss, and the creepers were having their way too. Bet it'll look really cool in another decade or so.
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This particular shard of glass had a really interesting refraction pattern. I wonder what caused it...
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Love the pattern in this broken glass.
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What happened here? Did someone put their fist through the window or something?


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