Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Cobble and Rust

Abandoned Barn in Burlington, Ontario

Jul 03 2022

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Cobble and Rust - FAV.JPG
Barn wall
Cobble and Rust - IMG_5095.JPG
The house, all that remains is one wall, the foundation, and chimney
Cobble and Rust - IMG_5094.JPG
The wall and chimney
Cobble and Rust - IMG_5097.JPG
Left side of the house
Cobble and Rust - IMG_5098.JPG
The barn from a distance on a partly cloudy day
Cobble and Rust - IMG_5099.JPG
Front wall medium distance
Cobble and Rust - IMG_5101.JPG
One of the windows that has had vegetation grow in it
Cobble and Rust - IMG_5102.JPG
The inside of the barn with what I think are stables
Cobble and Rust - IMG_5106.JPG
The outer wall of the barn from the inside
Cobble and Rust - IMG_5110.JPG
What I think is either the silo foundation or just a wall
Cobble and Rust - IMG_5112.JPG
The last remaining wall of the house from the back
Cobble and Rust - IMG_5114.JPG
The remains of flooring for what most likely was a shed on the property


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