Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

DQ Status Update: Arson x2

Demolished Other in London, Ontario

Oct 11 2022

 |  882
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I went by the abandoned dairy queen - here are some pics after the latest fire. woohooooo arson

DQ Status Update: Arson x2 - 6A331E4C-5807-4712-8186-06C42FD22AE8.jpeg
the remains (front)
DQ Status Update: Arson x2 - 18124601-A48F-4769-A1F7-849B7FBAD6AA.jpeg
the remains (back)
DQ Status Update: Arson x2 - D035DC9F-33A0-4DD4-AF13-FE4CC662F907.jpeg
back entrance
DQ Status Update: Arson x2 - 50C2D83B-6623-4AA4-B976-A985929FF09D.jpeg
the inside
DQ Status Update: Arson x2 - D72A119D-699B-4274-8BD1-0037F3AAACE2.jpeg
DQ Status Update: Arson x2 - 506BA550-21BA-46CA-B541-087E57AD0944.jpeg
must have been a gnarly fire
DQ Status Update: Arson x2 - 5D00ED37-EA67-44DC-9FFB-C7468C740171.jpeg
drive thru menu board, seems to be untouched by the fire


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