Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

2019 X-MAS Eve

Demolished Barn, Farm/Cottage, House in Brantford, Ontario

Dec 24 2019

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This was almost around the time I could say I had a “focus” in photography. I poorly shot the outbuildings and poorly shot the house, but I still find it interesting as its so different than how I shoot now. This was all in “Auto” mode and the first shot after the shitty exterior of the house was shot thru a exterior window I think. The kit lens, and I must have been alot more cautious then than I am now as It seems I didnt venture much on the main floor.

2019 X-MAS Eve - IMG_1918.JPG
No exterior outbuilding.
2019 X-MAS Eve - IMG_1940.JPG
An outbuilding with the house wayyyyyy in the distance.
2019 X-MAS Eve - IMG_1920.JPG
The ONLY exterior of the house. The rear, I think. Oof.
2019 X-MAS Eve - IMG_1908.JPG
Auto focus shines here. Picked off the closest thing. Not a bad photo tho.
2019 X-MAS Eve - IMG_2500.JPG
Kitchen counter just bearly in the frame.
2019 X-MAS Eve - IMG_2501.JPG
Kitchen floor. Rotted dead animal on the right.
2019 X-MAS Eve - IMG_2502.JPG
2019 X-MAS Eve - IMG_2504.JPG
Out the right side. (Looking from the front.)
2019 X-MAS Eve - IMG_2505.JPG
Out of date and beautiful checker pattern in the tile.
2019 X-MAS Eve - IMG_2507.JPG
Other side of the same room as the checkered.
2019 X-MAS Eve - IMG_2506.JPG
Looking out, but what a odd painting.....
2019 X-MAS Eve - IMG_2509.JPG
Looking back into the kitchen.


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