Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Night - 8/23/2019

Demolished House in Cambridge, Ontario

Aug 23 2019

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This be PT1. I went at night and shot the main floor and when I got to the second floor I wasnt feeling great about the structural integrity of this house. So I bought a baseball bat (to test the flooring and find weak spots) and then I went back in the day to shoot the upper floor and the majority of the outbuildings. Many detail shots of paint and walls and beams. This was taken in AUTO mode. The next album, is the first I decided to shoot in MANUAL mode. Its been a process to edit. The basement is in this album, for all its worth.

Night - 8/23/2019 - IMG_8125.JPG
Front door.
Night - 8/23/2019 - IMG_8123.JPG
Some part of the exterior.
Night - 8/23/2019 - IMG_8213.JPG
Sunroom exterior.
Night - 8/23/2019 - IMG_8127.JPG
Inside the sunroom. Broken blinds or bars...
Night - 8/23/2019 - IMG_8128.JPG
Lookin in the house.
Night - 8/23/2019 - IMG_8126.JPG
Peeling paint detail.
Night - 8/23/2019 - IMG_8129.JPG
Front door broken glass detail.
Night - 8/23/2019 - IMG_8131.JPG
ICR where this was....Maybe the sunroom/entrance area.
Night - 8/23/2019 - IMG_8132.JPG
Into the house finally.
Night - 8/23/2019 - IMG_8133.JPG
I was totally OVER my head at this point.
Night - 8/23/2019 - IMG_8135.JPG
Ceiling decay.
Night - 8/23/2019 - IMG_8136.JPG
Looking to the kitchen.
Night - 8/23/2019 - IMG_8138.JPG
Many odd parts to the build on this one.
Night - 8/23/2019 - IMG_8145.JPG
Living room/ Dining room.
Night - 8/23/2019 - IMG_8149.JPG
Rocking chair. It wsant in all that bad a shape.


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I like this place


1 year ago

It was a nice collection of very advanced decay. I liked it too when it was still around.