Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places




altona - Altona-(ghost-town)79.jpg massive bees nest above the main doorway
Photo of altona taken by Unknown User has 168 view(s)


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3 years ago

These two photos are of the gatehouse which was halfway down the private road off sideline 30 to the Monkhouse estate. There was a small bride crossing over the creek to the Monkhouse farmhouse and barn near the waterfalls. Recent photos show the addition to the farmhouse torn down and a junkyard of old cars surrounding it. The bridge seems to be gone and access to the farmhouse is blocked by a long row of trees. I lived there in the 1960s when it was owned by MPP Thompson at which time it was in good condition, and the gatehouse was occupied. So sad to see it in this state.