Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

October 2021 - my very first outing


sydxvicious 0

October 2021 - my very first outing - IMG_20211024_123401755_HDR.jpg The stairs were quite rickety, but only with two people on them at the same time. Probably not a good idea in hindsight!
Photo of October 2021 - my very first outing taken by sydxvicious has 171 view(s)


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3 years ago

You can jump on those stairs. I seen a guy do it, then I felt safe on those. 2 people, totally solid.


3 years ago

Cool! My friend and I were both going down it and the very bottom shook a little bit, which was all.


3 years ago

If you notice, it is not connected to anything at the bottom. (Or maybe by one side but I dont even think so).


3 years ago

Yeah I caught that, I think it may still be grounded on one side, but definitely a fun little ride