Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Clarington Jackpot

Under Construction House in Clarington, Ontario, Canada

Jul 21 2014

 |  3448
 |  1
Recent status Under Construction
Location # 10773

This is the place I mentioned in the forum. We found it while driving around Clarington looking for the farm used in the old horror film "Deranged" from 1975. The area matches closely, but alas it wasn't the find I was looking for; instead, we found a pioneer farmhouse gem behind the trees. This has no signs so it should be safe to enter. Just park at the gate and walk in. I am sharing one photo, and will expect others to get in there too before it's too late. I sense this will be demolished in the next while. I didn't go further due to it being late and the mosquitoes were coming out to feast..

I did some research and this was the James Bradley farm. His family also owned the farm to the immediate west. The Cowan farm to the immediate east still stands proud with the ridges directly behind them.

It's a beautiful drive up in this dirt road area, and the views are astounding up here.

  • Active construction to the left of driveway. Suggest parking not in front of the gate but at the end of the road in the cul-de-sac which is in front of another gate.
  • Watch for bees. Possible activity in the flowers on the table, as we found out.
  • Floors are getting weak.

This property appears to be owned by a Dr. David Engel


The floors in this house are very soft and unsafe.. if you plan on going here please be very careful and watch every step you take. I didn't even go into some rooms as I was worried about falling through the floors. -kaitrinsullivan

Update provided by “Miss G” on October 18th, 2021

“Big PRIVATE PROPERTY SIGN. Workers were doing work on property when I was there. I would not recommend going back. The house is being renovated and the property maintained. They had word with me.”


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3 years ago

Big PRIVATE PROPERTY sign. I saw workers maintaining the property and renovating house. They had word with me. I would not go back.



3 years ago




3 years ago



3 years ago

I first visited here in summer of 2020 (and a couple times after that) but recently went back end of winter 2021 and had never noticed this before but has anyone else noticed the urn of ashes on the one window sill? it just makes me sad to see someone left behind like that.


4 years ago

Really cool find. As mentioned by others the house is really unsafe to enter. You can still find some good angles pointing in from outside. Neat little location.


7 years ago

Floor is very unsafe and be careful of needles on the ground


10 years ago

Sweet find indeed!..


10 years ago

oh ya...its hidden by trees but good eye


10 years ago

Sweet find Clay! Nearby is a little place, might be worth a looksie if someone's going there (edit 07/28 removed gps as the location's description has since been changed to remove the address)