Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Mold Master

Demolished House in Gravenhurst, Ontario, Canada

Aug 16 2014

 |  997
 |  0
Recent status Demolished
Location # 10929

Mold as in old, not mould.

This place is carpeted throughout. Never seen so much carpet. Floors, stairs, basement, completely carpeted. Only problem is there's an inch of water in the basement. Walking down there was "squish squish squish".This has produced a profusion of mold on walls and ceilings down there. Yuck! Only spent 5 minutes down there and quickly bolted outside only to be swarmed by a cloud of mosquitoes. It's hard to hold still long enough to compose your shot when you're swatting bugs away from your eyes and nose.Yuck again. Some of the stuff we put up with for our craft.


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10 years ago

Thanks for taking one for the team on this one BPS!!