Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

407 Extension Enfield

Demolished House in Clarington, Ontario, Canada

Aug 21 2014

 |  772
 |  0
Recent status Demolished
Location # 10956

This very nice italian style home was expropriated for the 407 extension. There is a very large deck in the backyard and it is very overgrown. was built in 1979. If you get a chance check this one out it will be gone soon **DEMOLISHED IN OCTOBER 2014


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10 years ago

got demolished today there is still a quarter of it standing


10 years ago

the fence has been up for two weeks now


10 years ago

Still standing! Not for much longer though, fence is up.


10 years ago

Is this demolished yet?


10 years ago

I agree with clay70. These used to be labeled by house # or street name, much easier to keep in order.


10 years ago

Please label these with different #s not all "407 Extension"


10 years ago

Won't be long now, fence is up, trying to squeeze in one last tour this weekend. If it lasts until then...


10 years ago

yes i also saw a knife in the wall a few weeks ago but i went back it was gone what property were you referring to


10 years ago

I was there a few days ago and also noticed the strange pillows and bottles, love that sink in the master bathroom upstairs lol


10 years ago

Sorry canucks747, I confused the property with another. I went by today and it looked almost as if someone was squatting there at some point. Blankets, pillows and bottles of water set around a couple rooms.


10 years ago

what do you mean by trashed


10 years ago

Still there but it has been pretty trashed compared to its state in your pics


10 years ago

Still standing