Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

To Be Or Not To Be

Demolished House in Essa, Ontario, Canada

May 23 2015

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Recent status Demolished
Location # 12110

I've been watching this one for a couple of years. Watching and waiting, hoping for an opening. Now, there is a For Sale sign on the property, to go along with the decorative No Trespassing signs. I thought it best to finally post this place since its fate is uncertain. Will the new owners refurbish this grand old farmhouse, or will they tear it down and build another country estate?

All openings on the front of the house are covered over with plywood, but the side and rear windows are not. The glass is very old and distorted and also dirty, which made interior shots impossible, but from what I could see it looked mostly empty and dusty. I would still love to get inside and have a look.
There is also a wooden driveshed behind the house, with fresh padlocks, so I didn't spend any time investigating this.
There are neighbours directly across the road, so no way to visit without being in the sight line, but not sure if they even care now that its for sale.

**Demolished...September 2015.


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