Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Arden Anglican

Abandoned Church in Central Frontenac, Ontario, Canada

Aug 10 2015

 |  1606
 |  0
Recent status Abandoned
Location # 12461

A very large church that has frustratingly scant details about it (the history section of the town's website isn't up yet). What I can tell is that it's been replaced by Arden Wesleyan Church across the street in 1961. Other than there is one pic of it when it had the steeple from the 1940's, as well as another book that claims the women of the church released a cookbook. Both are linked below.

Today the church sits with some of its windows taken out an boarded up, the steeple gone, and the brickwork showing cracks; truly a shadow of it's former self. The christian community of Arden has looked away from stone buildings, as both the United and Wesleyan churches are more house-like.


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9 years ago

Arden is one of the spookiest villages in Ontario...Post office is right across the street from this church