Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Come On In! 3.0 (Merry Mansion)

Demolished Mansion in Cambridge, Ontario, Canada

Dec 23 2015

 |  1840
 |  0
Recent status Demolished
Location # 13043

Freshly abandoned house that is in such a good condition, It's creepy. The side door by the bit of fallen roof is easily open-able and the interior looks like a model home stripped of all it's decorations leaving just the walls. Sadly, the other outbuildings nearby have been demolished except for one other abandoned house that I have listed under Merry Mansion's Neighbor.

UPDATE: A few days ago the Cambridge City Council voted to demolish this house to build a subdivision in the area. From the article that I read, I learned that this house was built in the 19th century and early 20th century and is about 140 years old, as well as the other home. I also believe that this home is on the Hespeler Heritage List. If you would like finally pics, now is your chance.

Edit July 7: House has been demolished


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6 years ago

A lot has changed in one year.