Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Feeling Nippy... 2 for 1

Demolished House in Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada

Mar 02 2018

 |  796
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Recent status Demolished
Location # 15191

A pair of houses side by side, both in great shape (no broken glass, no holes in the floor or wall, no grafitti) in the middle of nowhere. Both houses have odd layouts (one has a super cool bar when you walk in, but my phone died before I could capture a photo) and in the first house I was particularly intrigued by the cold air flowing in, making the drapes dance in the wind. This created an eerie yet timeless feel. Signs outside of the two homes state that townhouses are going to be built there, yet there are no dates posted. I recommend checking this out if you want to see a couple houses with VERY little decay and no grafitti. It is fenced all around, but be resourceful and you'll find a way in ;)

canucks747 5/21/18- both still standing. the one to the left if looking at them from the road was built in 1979. the bigger one on the right has very cool architecture. built in 1978. neighbor was watching tho


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6 years ago

they probably are still standing, its tucked on a side street between a few houses and it doesn't look like it is going anywhere soon. However, better safe than sorry!


6 years ago

are these still standing?


6 years ago

Thanks! I've been super busy with school and art, trying to figure out my future :)