Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

St. John Catholic French School

Demolished Educational in London, Ontario, Canada

Jun 15 2019

 |  896
 |  0
Recent status Demolished
Location # 16074

Set for demolition and not far from the also abandoned South Street Hospital.

Side door looked open with a cord running out the bottom. I waited for a worker to leave and lock the fence. Walked around and found my way past the demo fencing. Sure enough, the door opened.

Orange tarp was up along with warnings of asbestos removal, so I wasn't keen on staying. It looks like no work has commenced yet. Power turned on in each room automatically as I walked through.

I avoided the main floor which had the gym, mainly because I was alone and not over confident that the worker wouldn't return. One room is being used as their office.

Alarm seems to be off.

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4 years ago



5 years ago

Nice find!


5 years ago

I''m gonna check this out when I get back to London! Thanks for sharing ^_^


5 years ago

Great location, well done on getting in.