Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Another 1

Demolished House in Cambridge, Ontario, Canada

Aug 21 2020

 |  514
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Recent status Demolished
Location # 16688

This house is one Im not sure how I hadnt noticed it before. Ive taken the bus from Preston to Galt like a million times and this thing was here the entire time. Someone cares for this but DOES NOT use it. I had a hell of a time figuring out what the deal with it was over a few weeks of passing at different times on the bus. NEVER saw lights (there is a motion sensor light on the side of the house I believe, unsure if it works) but the box into the side of the house has a "LIVE WIRE" sticker on it, or something to that effect. I assume the switch in the basement is flipped off. As usual I didnt try to flip stuff.

Part of the ordeal figuring out the deal was looking at the street view over the years (terribly spaced apart) and the plot seemed to thicken to me. In the first 2 pictures I saw, the house was complete and had a bunch of stuff at the patio. Not exactly haphazardly thrown there from the FANTASTIC resolution so it could have been occupied in 2009. the second picture was 2011 and the stuff there was gone. Then June 2014 the door on the side by the driveway was like cut out and boarded. along with a window close to that door. Looked like smoke damage at the top but I aint no Fire Marshall. And the part that appeared "cut" was redone and the place was fairly tip top (once again, like many locations, a relative term). Maybe an insurance jobbie but how come for why. What is this tiny 2 bedroom, molding, soft floored and totally cobwebbed house doing sitting here? There is a sign in a window (that is JUST barely visible) stating that this place has submitted an application for redevelopment. Its that sign that sits outside places that sit for a LONG time because as early as Google Maps goes, this place has been here and looked suspect.

There is mold. The floors are a bit soft. The top floor has a part that possibly has water coming in on an edge of the roof. There were so many spiderwebs and cobwebs that I used my tripod as I use a stick to rid spiderwebs whilst HARRRDCOREEE bushwhacking. Havent done too much of that with the ticks this year. They are BADDDD. The basement is lit but not all that well and I attempted to not use a flash and it worked but the pictures are so noisy, (IMO) they hurt my ears. Even after running like 4 thru Photoshop.

Its in a REAL busy spot. I was lucky enough (unluckily enough) to have my bike gears screw up and skip off the sprocket right as I got to this lot. I had my bike flipped upside down as I adjusted the derailer and stops for the gears. EVERYONE LOOKS AT YOU! Probably an uncommon spot to see people as I assume 99% of the people were coming from or going to Cambridge Memorial (employees and civilians), or going to and from to Babcock and Wilcox. Massive factory. Now that I see the employee entrance/ what hospital workers use to get to the parking lot there, I want to go shoot the OLD train they got in their yard. Its niiiiice. There is a neighbor as well next to the house. I saw no trace. There is a business/maybe a residence in the business and a residence across Oliver Ave. I legit came across not one person. EXCEPT when I was chillin, smokin and working on the bike, but even then, I feel my camera and odd color combo of my hat and sunglasses got their attention. No one said anything to me. OH, and there is an old folks home right across Coronation. 2 older gentlemen were soaking up the air as I made a go at the place. IVE CHECKED OFF THE CAMERA HAZARD BECAUSE CAMBRIDGE MEMORIAL HAS A FEW CAMERAS THAT CAN PROBABLY SEE THE HOUSE AND PICK UP GENERAL DETAILS OF PEEPS IF REQUESTED. Those things would never stop recording at a place such as that. Also, this is named "Another 1" as a tribute to DJ Khaled but mainly as a tribute to its yet another MT place I place hacked.

If the gallery name (named such because of my thoughts of the pic looking out at the upper floor bathroom and doorways) need to be changed cause its "UNNAPTHHEPTICLE" then let me know and Ill change it.


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1 year ago

I spoke too soon LOL. Im actually impressed that this was demolished and that the two trees there at the front were left standing. This defies what I thought I knew, but wait for the redevelopment if and when the time comes. Land is prolly worth a fortune.


1 year ago

See, this place....Im not sure how but its been hanging open for maybe a year now..... This is how locations dont get shared and how they stick around apparently. It is slowly decaying and turning very nice....


3 years ago

As expected, once the top floor had decayed a bit a year later, the ASBESTOS is exposed. Door is closed on the upper floor to that room but be warned. Window broken up there too. Not sure if it was before but may have been.