Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Just Going

Demolished House in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Sep 27 2020

 |  280
 |  1
Recent status Demolished
Location # 16787

Aimlessly driving in every direction at the same time, TheEasyKayBreezy pointed out the place he saw (and took a selfie with) the squatter. It was being boarded. But like many places in Waterloo, when boarded, minimal light still comes thru as they dont tend to board full windows. This appeals to an anti flasher like me. Another row of at least 4 houses that was REAL fresh in the immediate vicinity that was being boarded as well. A Santa Fe with a trailer full of boards. So i finally made it back about a week later and made entry into 2 of these houses. A few posessions but nothing overly epic. Student housing is crashing due to the pandemic. Student housing is starting to be rented out to just about anyone as landlords are becoming desperate. Yet rental prices are steadily going up and the real estate market is BOOMING. On my way out of this place, a girl with a bike comes up the driveway and asks "What are you doing?" "I just take pictures." "Pictures of...?" "Abandoned houses mostly," "This isnt abandoned. Im storing my stuff here." "The boards and row of houses tell me it is abandoned or being demolished. I just take pictures. I dont steal stuff." SHE FINALLY NOTICES THE CANON "What school are you with?" "Err, none, I ah Im part of a website [insert most basic description]." SHE STARES AT ME STRANGER "Oh, its YOU then." AS IF SHE KNOWS ME OR HAS SEEN A FEW OF OUR KIND BEFORE "Actually, theres a few of us in the region. Like I said, go for this one. Good luck eh." And I biked to the front and shot it once she dissapeared aroud the back of the house. Odd encounter. No worries but it is totally possible she has ran into me before. People I dont recognize recognize me. As long as I stay MOSTLY unknown to WRPS's Finest, I can live with it.


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4 years ago

As commented on 4 8 15 16 23 42, this gallery belongs there. Website changeover mixup.


4 years ago

Well this turned into a mess quite suddenly.