Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

The Limerick Forest Dolls

Active Other in Edwardsburgh/Cardinal, Ontario, Canada

Oct 19 2021

 |  3717
 |  3
Recent status Active
Location # 17998

Hazards of The Limerick Forest Dolls

The neighbors are not welcoming to visitors of the dolls. There are trail cams up to catch tresspassers. It can get very wet, marshy and flooded during rainy seasons.

History of The Limerick Forest Dolls

On the north side of the road an eerie sight greets those driving down Groveton Road. Nailed to the trees are dozens of dolls. Local legend says the old man that owned the property did it to scare away neighbors.

This exceptionally odd sight is something to see. No matter what time of year you come it's eerie and unsettling. In the fall and winter the dolls look sad and lost nailed to barren trees. In the summer their  smushed in limp bodies juxtaposed to the bright green of life around them is unsettling in a whole different way.

⚠️⛔ Do Not Tresspass ⛔⚠️

📸👣 Take Nothing But Photos, Leave Nothing But Footprints 👣📸


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3 years ago

So you clearly see and comprehend the No Trespassing signs and the intention of a barbed wire fence but completely disregard and ignore these boundaries to trespass and take photos? People like you are the reason these places get removed or blocked access by landowners. The property owner has made it pretty clear. Respect the boundaries. Don’t be an asshole.


3 years ago

Boots to stand in/get across the ditch, but remain on the *correct* side of the fence. Many of the dolls are in the trees right beside the fence. I did not mean to imply to trespass. I meant to imply if you want to get close up your going to be standing in the ditch. 😅 Hence the zoom lens suggestion


3 years ago

The angle of the “Mexican” doll, and the shot looking up the tree could not have been taken if you’d been on the “correct” side of the fence. You clearly trespassed to take these photos. This place isn’t ‘abandoned’. It’s right beside a farmhouse. They’ve put signs, a fence and trail cameras up. It’s pretty clear they don’t want people on the property.


3 years ago

Definitely a place I need to visit! Love the shots you got, places have no trespassing signs and nothing has happened so far. Curious if there's still access to this area?


3 years ago

It's fenced off, barbed wire and no trespassing signs and you have to jump a ditch that's usually flooded before you even get to the fence. Bring a zoom lens or big boots.


3 years ago

If places have No Trespassing signs and a fence those boundaries should be respected. People doing whatever they want for the sake of getting a photo is how these places get removed and cops called. Enjoy from the road as intended. Respect the landowners property.


3 years ago

i went there last night, i got good EVPs and saw spirits there, a man, woman, a child, something definitely happened here. I agree you get a very creepy vibe. i went during day and at night, night time was way more active for spirit encounters. I'm a psychic-medium, i wonder just what kind of statement this property owner is trying to make or what is he truly hiding? when you exam the dolls , most are nailed to the trees morbidly . my instincts says there is more going on here than what we see. be careful when visiting this place, it seemed to upset the locals when we were there. they stop ask questions . it's like they are paranoid for you being there . over-all very cool place, thanks for sharing this location with us :) it was an exciting experience ., we did not trespass, we were respectful, stayed on the outside to observe


3 years ago

The reason the locals stop and ask questions is because those of us who live in rural areas are constantly dealing with people who think that just because a place is forest, no one lives there. It’s still someone’s property even if it’s not a manicured front lawn with a house and driveway. Some of us enjoy that our property is still untouched nature. It doesn’t make it fair game to do anything you want. But it happens all the time, so rural neighborhoods look out for each other’s property.


3 months ago

The dude who nailed those dolls is trolling you, and country people ask you what you're doing because WE DO NOT KNOW YOU. You may very well be welcomed--but you're gonna get asked why you're poking around somebody's rural propery AT NIGHT, you insufferable tourist. Much psychic, very medium.