Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Cullen Gardens

Demolished Recreational in Whitby, Ontario, Canada

Aug 15 2010

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Recent status Demolished
Location # 1867

Cullen Gardens and Miniature Village was a hugely popular tourist spot in the 1980s. Since the turn of the millenium the owner has passed on and the kids didn't want to keep it in the family so ownership was moved over to the town..The miniature village has disappeared and weeds have taken over the southern and northern sections. The Muskoka cottage and pond section is unrecognizable!! The middle section is maintained though.

"Have you ever walked through an old childhood smell?
Great place to walk the dog.... Or in my case the house plant!!!"

Update May 2016
from KnightHawk

Two of the houses are now up on trailers ready to be moved, and all the others along "Whitby's Prettiest Street" are now completely fenced off. When I went the second time, there were a lot of people around, so I didn't attempt entry into the fenced houses. The photos in my gallery show the difference between my 2 visits.


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6 years ago

Indeed it was a sad sight to see it all torn apart. It wasn't supposed to end up like that.


7 years ago

main building is fully gone now


7 years ago



7 years ago

The main building is currently being demolished!


12 years ago

I walked thru here yesterday. Last time I was thru here woulda been 14 plus years ago, but walking thru here know I can still remember the positioning of most of the miniature village. It's a sad ruin of its former glory.


14 years ago

I remember my Nana taking me here in the 80's when I was a little kid...I was hoping there'd still be the miniature buildings left behind, I guess a miniature ghost town.


14 years ago

I loved this place as did my daughter. Still miss it to this day.


14 years ago

:) WOW....if my scanner worked I could upload about hundred pics from this place from 1996, DAMN!!! But I will keep it in mind!


14 years ago

Thanks.... I believe the property tax got to high for them so they jumped ship.


14 years ago

wow, i used to love going there when i was a kid. great pix :)