14 years ago
Ballycroy (ghost town)
Adjala-Tosorontio, Ontario
Adjala-Tosorontio, Ontario
Adjala-Tosorontio, Ontario
Adjala-Tosorontio, Ontario
Adjala-Tosorontio, Ontario
Adjala-Tosorontio, Ontario
Recent status | Demolished |
Location # | 2046 |
Nextdoor to my other post "Long Gone", this one has a driveway even longer, has to be 1/2 a mile.
Again, wondered what it was like to live in such a peaceful area, to have your driveway so far removed from the road would be nice and quiet!
The place has been trashed but you can still envision what it must(a)ve been like.
The woodwork (still intact) is incredible.
Google the satelite shot and see how long the driveway is!
2432 5th Line, Innisfil, Ontario, Canada (2432 is the "Long Gone" post) the one to the west is this one
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I said that because I'm not sure that It's demolished or not. I can't see it through trees anymore, and it appears to be gone on the GPS. But I can't be sure.
•10 months ago
•10 months ago
I can be. it's gone. look at past satellite images of it, it was demolished around 2012
Very often the homes were set halfway back in the 100 or 200 acre lots for ease of access to the property. This is the reason for the long driveways.
10 months ago
This place APPEARS to be demolished... I'd set the status to "Unknown"