Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

Latlng: (43.95862277729, -64.748375415802)

Other nearby Locations Queens

House - no floors, no dreams, no hope, no point

Abandoned House in Queens, Nova Scotia, Canada

May 23 2024

 |  1304
 |  1
Recent status Abandoned
Location # 20482

Hazards of House - no floors, no dreams, no hope, no point

Floors, the only real access point gets you into the kitchen, and from there you can see that the next room floor is gone, might be able to climb around. Bugs, ticks are going to be really bad here in the late spring / summer due to the long grass. And my favorite neighbor, elderly couple, was out walking a dog. I think they were trying to get my attention but I just waved and they kept walking.

History of House - no floors, no dreams, no hope, no point

Assessed at $85,700, sold for $0 in October 2011, Deeded in 1977, Deeded in 1980, Deeded in 2011. Based on the items in the kitchen I would believe that the house was abandoned around the 1970’s or 1980’s. Might have been purchased by the house behind it, and the property used to provide water access. And the house is left to rot because its cheaper than removing it.

Had found this house a while ago but was never in the area so was excited to finally make it, and then was sadly very disappointed by it’s condition. Don’t trust streetview, it is only lies and misdirection, parking is tight. You can just make out the old driveway which has a no trespassing sign posted which is missing the no trespassing part. The walk in is short but the grass will be very tall in late spring, there will be ticks. Did a quick walk around to get a feel for the place, it really looks better on the outside. Access at this time brings you into the kitchen, on one side is a barn section which has mostly collapsed.

I rated this site level one because it pissed me off, I based an entire trip on this house, which I did learn a valuable lesson from about not basing a whole trip around one house. Still sour about it, gas and time are not cheap here.

Latlng: (43.95862277729, -64.748375415802)


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