Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

The Lapp House

Demolished House in Pickering, Ontario, Canada

Feb 13 2011

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Recent status Demolished
Location # 2363

Hard to spot in the summertime as its view is obstructed by trees, this house sits far back on the property.

The property was purchased in 1840 by Andrew Lapp. The house has been handed down through several generations of Lapps, though I(a)m not sure who owns it at the present time.

Andrew Lapp grew tobacco on his farm, which he dried and cured for his own use. He would make it into plugs which he had such a penchant to chew that his teeth were worn down on one side from the tobacco. He apparently ran from the field one day claiming he was being chased by the devil. Andrew must have been quite a colourful character.


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13 years ago

Yes, the house is definitely still there. As of September 23, 2011.


13 years ago

The house is still there (looks like timo was there this weekend!) and the Google maps entry is very specific (I put it there!). Cool explore.


13 years ago

This house seems really interesting to me and I really cant wait to go check it out! Does anyone know if it is still there? I was trying to look for it but its kinda hard on google maps... But I did find a few interesting historical pieces of info on the Lapp family. 1. http://www.pada.ca/lib/books/2/595/11939.jpg 2. http://www.pada.ca/lib/books/2/595/11940.jpg 3. http://www.pada.ca/lib/books/2


13 years ago

I would presume that Andrew Lapp was related to the Lapps who had the cider mill in Cedar Grove, on Reesor Road near 14th Avenue. Had a lot of their product when I was a kid!


13 years ago

Here's the link... I visited this one in the summer. Front door was wide open at the time. http://www.ontarioabandonedplaces.com/upload/showpics.asp?sid=691capt2439


14 years ago

i know its 2 concesssions south of Altona//


14 years ago

It's not in Altona, it's on the 8th concession ...


14 years ago

if one walks in to the big tree in front of this home they will find a pink telephone from the 1970s


14 years ago

got pics of this one too under Altona..I also have a photo of Mr Lapp


14 years ago

Must have been some strong tobacco he was growing! ;)


14 years ago

Awesome location!.......and. lol great story too