Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places


Abandoned Ghost Town in Pickering, Ontario, Canada

Feb 13 2011

 |  3219
 |  2
Recent status Abandoned
Location # 2364

The village of Brougham, that was once described as Pickering township's "Municipal Metropolis" has been unfortunate enough to find itself at the crossroads of the 407 and the Pickering Airport project. Once a thriving community and business centre, Brougham is becoming a virtual ghost town. The majority of its houses are boarded up, and businesses have either folded or moved elsewhere.

  • Just to the east of here lies the ghost town of Howell's Hollow. This was the location of the first post office in the area also with the name "Brougham". The date being 1836. For more info read about the ghost town on the other write-up under "Ajax/Pickering".


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13 years ago

All of this town was torn down in the name of progress!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -what a shame!


13 years ago

Hope you find more when the grass in gone in the fall .. bcgsdrummer.


13 years ago

Ive got another house i hope i add it correct this time..


13 years ago

You could spend an entire day exploring abandoned houses in Brougham. Its so sad. :(


13 years ago

Added a gallery for another abandoned home in Brougham.


14 years ago

Whats even crazier is the scope of the area the feds are watching (and boarding up old homes). Imagine an airport that would stretch from Altona to Brougham. Wouldn't that be the largest airport on earth? The area is monstrous. Why do feds care about 407? aren't freeways the province's domain?


14 years ago

true...gvt is a joke...i think they have been planning this dumb airport for 30 years


14 years ago

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Our government, good for nothing but squeezing us for money, and tearing down historic buildings for another stupid airport we dont need :p


14 years ago

we used to pass it on way to cottage back in 70s