Ontario Abandoned Places will be rebranded as Ominous Abandoned Places

The Prettiest Street

Demolished House in Whitby, Ontario, Canada

Jul 23 2011

 |  2464
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Recent status Demolished
Location # 2980

In 1980, Len Cullen opened Cullen Gardens, which would unarguably be the largest tourist site in Durham Region. On this site also sat the Mitchell House (see Patly Mills), and the Lynde House, another historically significant building in the Town of Whitby.

Cullen continued to aquire 5 more Whitby heritage homes, His plan was to convert the homes into shops and Bed and Breakfasts. His plan was never realized. The Town purchased Cullen Gardens, but not these relocated homes, which Cullen referred to as "The Prettiest Street in Whitby".

At this time, I have no information on the identity or history of either of these five houses. I will post information as I find it, so keep checking in. :)


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6 years ago

Anyone else have an incidents with unknown entities showing up at the houses when they were there? That happened to me twice and at night. The first time it was one guy with an unmarked SUV shadowing the house. The second time it was 3 or 4 vehicles. It only seemed to occur if you walked around the front. Almost like they had put something there to keep guard. I managed to wait them out in the first instance and slipped away in the second.


6 years ago

All the houses have been demolished now.


6 years ago

So much for preserving some beautiful history. Sad to see what is left. :(


6 years ago

3 of the 5 houses are demolished, talked with the demolition crew and little is being saved from each house


9 years ago

Yes clay70 I was wondering the same thing!! any time that I was down there - the place was packed!!!!!!!!!! - then they had the Linde house set up like a museum to go into!! and the other homes they were just bringing in!! -It truly is a shame getting these old structures rot!! - I live in a home built in 1874!! lets just say that it is a work in progress!!


10 years ago

They are still there but im not impressed by the upkeep...I blame the the Town of Whitby for this...I suspect the Cullen's pulling out of their fathers venture wasn't best for any of these homes or the former gardens...I wonder why they did that..


12 years ago

Anybody know whats going on with these houses and how they are doing?


13 years ago

I was at Cullens Gardens when they first started to bring in the homes -I thought it was a great idea!!!


13 years ago

Heritage homes all together in one place? I think we can all agree Len Cullen was a genius...


13 years ago

I went to school with one of the descendants of the Lynde's..


13 years ago

I know .. I spotted the first house driving by on my lunch one day. When I turned in to check it out, I felt like I won the abandoned house jackpot!!!